Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 3 - Tour of Bali

With the help of our Expedia Guide, Alen and a private driver, we have today had a very hot but very interesting day seeing lots of different sides to Bali. 
We started with some local Craft centres Tohpati, seeing how they produce fabrics and make intricate silver jewellery. 

Then we went to Batuan to see one of the many temples that are throughout Bali. 

We then visited a wood carving centre. It was a family business with 3 generations working there. Some of the carved pieces had taken up to 2 1/2 years to make. 

Next we travelled to Ubud to see the rice terraces. 

Mya went on a swing there which she loved. 

Next was the monkey forest at Ubud. So many monkey in everywhere we looked. You had to be careful not to get too close as they can bite. 

We then headed 5 minutes down the road to Lumbung Suri where they produce the world famous Luwak Coffee. 

This possum-like animal eats the ripened coffee beans and then poo’s them out. 

The beans are dried and the poo is removed and then the coffee is roasted and ground. 

It is the most expensive coffee in the world, sold in Harrods, more expensive than gold! 
We got to sample it as well as a number of other teas and coffees that they produce. 

We tasted them all whilst looking out over the rice fields. 

On our way back to the hotel we stopped in at the Muji Family Art Gallery in Batuan. 

It was a long day, way too hot at times but we now have a greater understanding of Balinese life and culture. 

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