Saturday, September 14, 2024

Young Driver - Lesson No. 2

Thanks to Gaga for the birthday present, Mya had her second driving lesson. This time at Rushmoor Arena near Farnborough. 

The instructor thought Mya was 16 and preparing for her driving test. When Mya looked blank when he asked her to put it in gear and drive he couldn’t believe she was only 12 ! 
She did really well, feeling more confident behind the wheel. 
Hopefully when she does get to 17, she’ll be ready to go on open roads. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekend Baking

Aunty Rosemary sent Mya a fabulous baking book for her birthday. She decided to have a go at the Oatie Choc Chip Cookies. 

They were delicious! 

Onion Hanging

I was concerned that my bunched and plaited onions may not hang well so have now bought some onion bags.  They are now being stored in the garage ready for use in the coming months. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Year 8 Here We Go!

Funny photo but best I could get. Mya and Lucy ready for school after the early start. Bit of a shock to the system! 

Wet and chilly, it must be the start of the autumn term! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ear Piercing

Definitely the last of birthday events! Granddad paid for Mya to have her ears pierced. 

I wasn’t convinced that Mya was going to cope with having them done but the piercer was amazing, put Mya at ease and she didn’t even flinch when she had them done. 

One very happy girl. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Felting at Craft Night

Always wanted to have a go. Mya made a fabulous butterfly. I made a Robin and Mya made a cute butterfly. 

Ankle Update

 So we have photos of the X-ray! More metal than bone!

X-ray is showing good healing of the bones and John has been told to start wearing his trainer with crutches rather than air-cast which will aid in healing process. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Pottery Painting

Last of Mya’s birthday treats, we had a lovely relaxing day pottery painting at Mambo Jambos with Jo and Lucy from next door. 

Now we have to wait 2 weeks whilst they’re being fired before we can see the finished masterpieces.