Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Walk

The sun decided to come out this afternoon so we took a walk around Angmering Estate, guided by my new OS Map app. 

Caravan Cleaning

It’s back from storage and I do wish I took a before photo, it was green and covered in bird poop. A lot of elbow grease and it’s starting to look better. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Eco Council Activity

 Today the Eco Council planted some trees to help improve one of the outside areas of the school. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Spring Garden

With more sun and warmer temps the garden is coming to life. Loving the blossoms and growth starting to happen in the veg beds. 

I’ve decided this year to dedicate one of my raised planters to Dalia’s that John bought me for my birthday. They’re just stating to break the surface. 

After growing some cucumber plants from seed they are now big enough to go in the grow bag in the greenhouse. Another couple of weeks and I can do the same with my tomato plants. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Maisie’s Birthday Party

Held at Pizza Express. The kids had to make pizzas and then eat them. 

Walk at Arundel

Whilst Mya was at a birthday party, John and I walked around Arundel Estate. 

Stunning views. 

Afternoon at the Witterings

We took Mya and Owen down to the Witterings yesterday.  It was low tide so wonderful sandy walking. 

Left the kids to explore whilst we walked Purdie. 

Owen walking in the sand dunes. 

The kids had fun flying the kite. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wow…. Surrounded by Beauty

Walking at Kingley Vale this morning. The Rapeseed Fields are just breathtaking. 

And then the bluebell wood on the way home. Mother Nature is spectacular. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Chichester Canal

 We seem to have brought the spring weather back. Saturday we had a lovely walk up Chichester Canal. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Homeward Bound

Time to head home. 

Car loaded and ready to drive back to Dieppe ferry port. 

We stopped at a lovely cafe and then a patisserie on our drive up the country. 

Delicious fresh bread and pastries. Mya ended up with an interesting pizza….cheese with honey and an olive, an acquired taste but she loved it. 

Evening ferry ready to go. 

Settled in the cabin to relax for the 4 hour crossing. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Walt Disney Studios

Feeling a little jaded this morning so a full carb breakfast and a couple of strong coffees. 

Time to pet Oscar the pony on the way to the bus. 
Caught the free shuttle bus. It’s been so amazing using this bus each day, runs every 15 minutes. 
Think John makes a good Mickey! 
A bit of shopping before entering the park. 

OMG, so scary, lift drop, Mya passed out again, I shut my eyes, still we did it! 

The Spider-Man web mission was much better. 
A quick drive-by from Ironman. 
The Avengers roller coaster was pretty high thrill but Mya enjoyed it. 

A quick meet and greet with Woody from Toy Story. 

We all felt a bit fatigued late afternoon so decided to head to the Newport Bay Disney Hotel for a drink. Mya and I grabbed a Mickey pretzel on the way. 

Loved my coffee froth! 

We went to a Brassiere for dinner in the Village before heading back to Disney. I enjoyed my Appleito! 

The Merida sculpture was very cool. 
My souvenir was my Disney champagne glass. 
We did a few more rides before finishing our time at Disney. 
Driving around on the Cars racing ride was fun. 

Such a fabulous trip. Managed to last til 9pm on this second day. Thank you Paris we’ve had a blast!