Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Goodbye Pepsi and Maybe

Maybe has been poorly for a couple of months. We have tried treating her with medication but there was little improvement. Pepsi has never been very healthy and has aged more over this last winter. We made the decision that now was the time to let them rest. We have loved them and given them a happy life for the last 3 years.
This morning Mya and I had some special time with them, giving them a good brush and lots of love. 

We are lucky to be friends with a wonderful vet, Celia, who is mum to Mya’s friend Kiara. She was so calm and respectul to them. They suffered no distress and passed away gently next to each other. They are now buried together in the paddock.  It’s wonderful to be able to make these decisions for our animals before they start to suffer. 
It’s been a very sad 24 hours. Tomorrow we are going to start the New Year afresh. 

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