Sunday, January 31, 2021

Last Swim Before School Tomorrow

Just to show that I do occasionally get in the water. 

We had the pool to ourselves, heaven after a hot day in the garden. 

Mya’s Fruit Gathering

Mya did an amazing job gathering summer fruit from the garden. Filled the trug up. 

Kitchen Garden

I’m ashamed at the state the kitchen garden has got. Complete neglect over the summer. 

Decided to clear it out today. 

Moving Wood

Mya helped Roger and John load the ute full of wood to fill the wood store. 

Pizza Dinner at Sally’s

A lovely evening. Mya was amazing making up the pizzas for Scott (Sally’s partner) to cook. Then serving them round to everyone. 

The profiteroles didn’t last long. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Choux Pastry

Out to dinner tonight at my bosses. I’m taking dessert, I’ve made Profiteroles, complete with vanilla cream patissere and chocolate ganache. Mya was my chief taste tester and bowl cleaner! 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Fainting Goat

Dinner out tonight at the new Gastro Bar in town. Great name! We went for the shared plater. Far too much to eat! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Day at Lake Tarawera

This afternoon Mya had a wonderful time at Lake Tarawera with Adele and kids whilst I worked. 

Mya read the others a story. 

She has come home exhausted after a fun day of water fun and lots of sun. 

Working at NZHL

Mya had the morning working in my office. We got her doing the lolly stickering again ready for the Home Show coming up. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Home Harvesting

A quick walk around the garden and I’ve filled my trug. 

The tomatoes are all starting to ripen in the greenhouse. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Entrance Tidy

I’ve been working on the entrance to the property. I tidied up around the hedge....

Cleared away all the weeds, laid down new weed mat and planted some Escallion Red Knight bushes to fill the area. 

The bank with my creeping Thyme is also coming along nicely. 

Still a massive amount to tidy but at least some areas are coming together. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Boat Trip Around Rotomahana Lake

Lying underneath the water in the lake are the lost Pink and White Terraces. They were once regarded as the Eighth Wonder of the world. The eruption of 1886 put them at the bottom of this lake. 

Waimangu Valley

We visited the youngest geothermal site created in 1886. Situated just outside Rotorua.