Sunday, June 2, 2013

Long Weekend at Ohope

The Backhouse family have celebrated the long Queen's birthday weekend at the Bach at Ohope.

It started with a wonderful sunset walk along the beach.

On Saturday, with glorious sunshine, we headed to the local market where we bought Mya a lovely hand knitted jumper and some books and stopped off at the playground for a swing on our way home.

A first for Mya this weekend was that she stood up by herself. The window sill in the lounge is a perfect height for her and she can look out at the view of the sea.

This afternoon the Richard's family popped round for afternoon tea. Ella and Mya had a hilarious time chasing each other around the sofa on their hands and knees, both giggling like crazy, so lovely to watch.

Sunday was beach day with discovering the fun of sand.

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