Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Weekend Hunting

Last weekend, John got some down-time and went out Hunting in the Ureweras, about 2 hours drive away from home. 

He headed out straight from work on Friday in his 4wd Ute with a friend from work.  He drove about 5km upstream making over 40 crossings of the riverbed, up to the hut where he was staying for the 2 nights. 

At first light they went stalking about 4 km up the riverbed. There was lots of evidence of deer but unfortunately none in shooting range.  He went out again on the Saturday evening but still no luck.  He headed home, sadly without any venison, on the Sunday morning, but had gained a great knowledge of the hunting area and had loads of fun testing out his Ute and it's 4wd capabilities.

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