Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our View

Yet again, John has been working really hard out in the garden over the past months trying to clear the vegetation at the front of the property to improve our view of the lake. With some assistance from our neighbour who also cleared a few of his trees, we now have 180 degree vista of Lake Rotorua, breathtaking.
Now we need to sit back and enjoy it!

Knitting Needles

As a birthday present, Adele very kindly gave me a 'Knit your own bunny' kit. This past week I have been testing my knitting skills to the max, it should be noted they are very limited, and finally finished my bunny, complete with cable cardigan to keep him warm.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

21 Week Scan

I can't quite believe that I am over the half way point. In the photo I am 21 weeks and 1 day, not that I'm counting, but as you can see, baby is definitely now showing itself.

Today we have had our 21 week scan. This is mainly to check all the organs, bones etc are growing correctly and in the right places. All was looking great. We could so clearly see the little one twisting and turning around inside me that at times it was difficult for the radiologist to record the details she needed.

The other, extremely exciting news that we found out was that our little one is a girl. John and I are so delighted and couldn't resist stopping off at one of my favourite baby shops on the way home to purchase our first 'Pink' outfit, soooooooo cute!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Creative Babysitting

I was lucky enough to look after my dear friend's daughter (Abbie) this morning and with Easter coming up we decided to be a bit creative and decorate some eggs.

Before Pizza lunch we had some time playing with my old toys from when I was little. The stable was made by my dad and it's good to know that little ones can still get pleasure from it. The rocking horse was a gift for my first Christmas and is still going strong.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dog Pen

This weekend, whilst the weather has still been good, John's been clearing and tidying up the dog pen. Once we cleared all the old bushes away we realised how rough the back fence was looking so John took down all the old punga fencing and re-wired and fixed it back up to hopefully stop the dogs from finding a way out.