Sunday, December 30, 2012

We've started Mya on Solids!!

Only joking, she did take a fancy to Granny's Crunchie though! 

Weekend at the Beach

We've just spent a lovely weekend at Ohope Beach.  Even though it was the holiday season we still had the beach to ourselves.

John managed to get some fishing in and Mum and I enjoyed walking the dogs on the beach.


We're now home feeling completely relaxed and ready to welcome in the New Year! 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Play Mates

Titan likes to be part of playtime on the floor.  Mya hasn't quite got to the stage where she can throw a ball for him to fetch!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We've just celebrated Mya's 1st Christmas.  It has been a very special day, our beautiful baby girl has been surrounded by presents from all our family and friends, thankyou so much for all your generosity. 
She's received some wonderful gifts. 


All of us here in New Zealand would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all that you desire for 2013!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday is Family Time

At last John had a chance to go swimming with Mya at the Waikite Hot Pools.  We had a lovely relaxing day having a soak and then some lunch.  A perfect way to spend a Sunday before Christmas, no battling with the thousands in the shops!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Weekend Hunting

Last weekend, John got some down-time and went out Hunting in the Ureweras, about 2 hours drive away from home. 

He headed out straight from work on Friday in his 4wd Ute with a friend from work.  He drove about 5km upstream making over 40 crossings of the riverbed, up to the hut where he was staying for the 2 nights. 

At first light they went stalking about 4 km up the riverbed. There was lots of evidence of deer but unfortunately none in shooting range.  He went out again on the Saturday evening but still no luck.  He headed home, sadly without any venison, on the Sunday morning, but had gained a great knowledge of the hunting area and had loads of fun testing out his Ute and it's 4wd capabilities.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Playtime with Granny

 Mya loves her playtime with Granny.

Now that she's found more strength in her arms, she's starting to really enjoy tummy time and has even managed to roll herself over to her back a couple of times.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


What a stunning end to a gorgeous day.  The sunset over the lake was just spectacular, the photo really doesn't do it justice!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


After a busy morning at the Christmas picnic, soaking in the hot pools with her friends, Mya crashed in her cot exhausted, it's a hard life keeping up with her social calendar!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Contented Baby

Mya doesn't need a dummy, she has found her own comforter, she loves sucking her thumb, soooooo cute!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Relaxing in the Garden

It's a beautiful sunny day and Mya is relaxing under her sun shade in the garden. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Big Bath

 Mya has now grown out of her baby bath so today she had her first bath in the main family bathroom.  So much water and space to kick her legs!

Decorating the Tree

Mya helped Mummy to decorate the Christmas Tree this morning.  She was facinated by the flashing lights and baubles.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


We start training early in the Backhouse Family.  Mya is already a whizz on the computer.

When Mya Met Santa!

A very cheeky looking 'Santa's Teeny Weeny Kiwi' Girl.  She put on a lovely smile when Mya met Santa.

Merry First Christmas to our gorgeous girl.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Garden Produce

Here's our first bowl of home-grown strawberries of the season, Yum!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Celebrity in the Family

This was printed in a local magazine, it's truly a great photo! It's not just us that think she's gorrrrrgeous!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

New Fencing

John has been working really hard this weekend, he has renewed the fencing to our bottom paddock and increased the paddock size to provide the sheep with more grazing.  There's still a bit to do but it's looking really smart.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Splash in the Paddling Pool

Today Mum and I kept Mya amused by letting her have some splash time in the paddling pool.  She just loves the water and with the weather being hot and sunny, it was just perfect fun time in the garden.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mya's First Swim

Today Mya and I went out to the Waikite Valley Hot Pools with some friends from our Antenatal Group for her first swim.

It was a beautiful day, perfect for taking a dip, followed by a picnic on the grass.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday John

As an early celebration for John's birthday tomorrow, Family Backhouse went to the Nautilus Restaurant at Tauranga Marina for a delicious Lunch.

Mya was a little angel, sleeping through whilst we had our main course and only woke for the dessert.  I think from the photo that she's got her eyes on my Strawberry Shortcake stack rather than having her photo taken.

Happy Birthday Darling Husband! xxx

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Flights Booked!

I have finally managed to sit down and book flights back to the UK for myself (Kate) and Mya.

We're flying via Dubai, spending some days with the Blakes in the sun, and arriving into the UK on Saturday 2nd March.  We'll be basing ourselves at Petersfield at my dad's house, and visiting everyone we can fit in.  Departure date is 5th April, so hope to be able to catch up with most people. 

Now it's booked, I'm getting really excited to be taking a trip back, can you believe it's been over 5 years!  Now to start really planning.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tree Clearing

With fine weather this weekend, John has been out clearing the Beech Tree that we had felled a couple of weeks ago.  Hopefully this should supply us with a nice stock of wood for next winter.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spring in the Garden