Friday, April 1, 2011

The Squeeze!

Today we've been on 'The Squeeze' experience. A fabulous day starting off with a leisurely jet boat ride down the Waikato River, taking in the beautiful scenery.

We then stripped down to our togs and got out the boat and started to wade down the river towards 'the squeeze'.

This is a narrow gap in the rocks that you literally have to squeeze through whilst in the water, sometimes up to chin height slowly working your way through the gorge, all the time the water is getting warmer and warmer as you head towards the thermal hot pools.

Eventually you come out under 2 waterfalls of lovely hot water where we relaxed and soaked.

Then for the journey back through 'the squeeze' to the boat, followed by a hair-raising, thrill seeking, 360 degree spinning boat ride back up the Waikato river to the start.

We met a lovely couple from Wales (Alice and Dan) who are currently working in Auckland but visiting the area for the weekend and they came back to the house and staying with us for a couple of days to see the sights of Rotorua. What a great weekend, even if it is a bit rainy!

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