Friday, December 31, 2010

Start the Year as we mean to go on.....

What a perfect day. We started off by picking blueberries in the morning at a local farm, then headed off to the sea. We followed the east coast by road until we saw a good spot and pulled in.

We spent the day with the dogs on a beautiful beach with turquoise water and golden sand. Perfect!

John had a go with his new surf casting rod and as you can see from the photo managed to catch a fish, even if it was a tiddler. Think Titan has got his eyes on it for his supper!

I relaxed, soaking up the sun (with the dogs) and reading.

I love this photo of my two boys enjoying the beach.

Later in the day we took the dogs for a walk along the beach before heading home and having a yummy lamb BBQ on the patio with Mum.

Let's hope this day was the start of many in 2011! X

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