Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Peter Pan Performance

Tonight was the school performance of Peter Pan. Mya played Miss Darling and was amazing. She was also the only one that wrote and performed a song in the show. So so proud of our daughter. 

She also had an extra part as a mermaid. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Ankle Op Review

John had a review today. They removed the cast and took out the metal stables on all the 9 incisions that were made on his ankle.  They have now put him in a walking cast for the next 4 weeks before another review. 

Still a long way from fully mobile but happy he can atleast put some weight on his foot. 

Mya was keen to personalise the cast. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Beach Walking Companian

Dragged Mya out of bed to join me on this gorgeous Sunday morning at Climping Beach. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Morning Another Beach

 This time the Hayling Reserve on the Billy Trail. 

And then a wonderful girlie catch-up with Sophie. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Beach Walk this Morning

Flowers picked from the garden this afternoon. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Birthday Dahlias

John bought me a collection of Dahlia bulbs for my birthday to create a raised flower bed for picking. 

Today I picked my first ones. They’re just stunning. 

Out Field Walking Again

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Fathers Day!

Father’s Day treat at Oties in Liphook. 

Sending love to all the Dad’s out there. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Green Flag Award

Well done Mya!

Over the last year students across all year groups have been working hard to achieve the Tidy Britain Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. This is an internationally recognised award that aims to make improvements in the school environment and the wider community as well as raising awareness of global issues such as inequality and climate change.

The school formed an eco-committee and decided which issues to tackle. Students were keen to tackle issues around waste and recycling as well as improving the school grounds. The school is very pleased to have achieved the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for the third year running.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Flying Tribute

 Spitfires flying overhead today as part of the D-Day services. 

Recovery Sunday

The best place to recuperate on a perfect sunny and calm day, especially with the help of Nurse Purdie. . 


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Garden Produce

Harvesting some bits from the garden today.  Had to pick the strawberries as the wood lice were getting a taste for them. 

Cucumbers coming on nicely in the greenhouse. 

My potato pot has worked well. Another 3 pots to harvest in the coming weeks. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Operation Day

After atleast 30 years of increased pain John is having his ankle fused and arthritis build up removed, all by keyhole surgery. The surgeon is Edward Dawe, the best ankle specialist in the country. 

I dropped him off at 7.30 at St Richards Hospital for a morning op. 

Purdie and I then had a calming walk at Felpham followed by a cream tea at The Lobster Pot. 

At 2.30pm I got the call to say ‘come and pick him up’. 
He’s now home and starting his recovery. 2 weeks of non-weight baring. Struggling around on crutches. Let’s hope the pain will have bed. Significantly reduced. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Our Walking Week

An evening walk around Kingleyvale. Last walk for John before his operation. 

Early morning walk at low tide at Climping beach. Purdie loves a paddle. 

Started the week with a lovely walk around Climping wheat fields.