Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

A very wet evening, John escorted Mya and friends around the neighbourhood ‘trick or treating’. 

Came back with bags full of sweets! 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Jessica’s Halloween Birthday Party

Mya has had so much fun tonight. 

She came home with a bag full of goodies. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Halloween Schnauzer Walk

It was pouring with rain but it didn’t stop the Schnauzers coming out for the walk today. 

Our contingent of two in their costumes ready to go. 

We managed half the walk along Southsea seafront before opting for a dryer an warmer option if the Beach Cafe. 

Food Taste Game

Mya did really well guessing, only got a couple wrong. 

Pumpkin Carving

Now to come up with some pumpkin recipes. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Seeing Lue, Chris and Jade

So lovely to catch up with the Blake’s. 
We had a walk around Stourhead Estate and Alfred’s Tower built in 1775.  

Then back to their house for Jade’s delicious lemon cake and  coffee. 

Miss seeing Lue, wish we were closer. 

Day 2 in Wiltshire

Visit to Stourhead National Trust. So beautiful at this time of year. Just nextdoor to Chris and Lue. 


Breathtaking reflections on the lake. 

This Cross use to sit in the centre in Bristol and has been moved to Stourhead. It’s 650 years old. 

Luxury hot chocolate after the walk around the park. 

Day Trip to Bath

Walked Purdie around Victoria Park. 


We then into Bath Centre and Pulteney Weir. 

Bath Abbey was beautiful.