Friday, March 31, 2023

National ‘Wear A Hat Day!’

Spent the morning with my dear friend Bella at her shop in Arundel.  She makes the most amazing hats. 

The day is to raise money for the Brain Tumour Research Charity. 

I had a go at making resin flowers. 

Bella is holding a Mad Hatters Tea party later today that I’m taking Mya and friend Lucy to. 
Bella is already dressed in costume! 

Such a lovely afternoon…. 
The girls had a ball trying on the different hats and dressing up. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Girl and Her Best Friend

Meditational Walk at Kingleyvale

Purdie and I had a fabulous walk through the misty damp this morning.  

We really enjoyed listening to the birds and taking in the nature around us. 

We spent time reading about the history at Kingleyvale at the entrance of the reserve and then enjoyed walking the Yew Tree trail surrounded by 500 year old trees. 

The trees have stretched out its limbs and re-rooted back into the ground. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Low Tide Beach Walk at Climping

Lovely people patterns on the beach. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Spring Ready in the Garden

I’ve been working in the greenhouse this weekend. I’ve put down a new standing area with the left over patio slabs. 

My Dad bought me for my birthday a couple of water butts to collect the rain water. 

Seedlings are coming on nicely. 

More Spring colour appearing in the garden each day. 

Star of the week

So proud of Mya. She always works so hard. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Happy Mothers Day

With the sun shining and feeling warm, we were up early and walking along the prom at Felpham. 

And of course stopping for a coffee.

John then cooked us a yummy breakfast. 

We had an afternoon tea party with Mum and our neighbours Jo and Lucy, tea from a teapot and homemade cake. 

Then John cooked a very delicious roast lamb dinner. The perfect day. 
Loved Mya’s homemade card. 

It was lovely to have Mum joining us this afternoon. Photo was from our walk at Goodwood last week. 


A bit late posting on the blog but had a lovely birthday, after a work meeting Mum too me to The George at Eartham for a yummy lunch. 

So spoilt with lovely presents and cards. 

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Such a fun afternoon doing crafts at my neighbour’s house in aide of Mind charity. We raised £300 and met some wonderful ladies, drunk lots of tea and ate too much cake. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Trundle Hill to West Dean and Back

Walking in the West Sussex Countryside this morning. 

A sea of daffodils. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Clymping Community Litter Pickup

Cath from next door and myself joined in the community litter pickup this morning around Clymping.  So much rubbish collected, great conversation and the dogs had a good walk. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Very Happy Birthday Louise

A lovely lunchtime catch up to help Louise celebrate her birthday.  

Special memories made, missed too many of these whilst living in NZ.