Sunday, February 26, 2023

Schnauzer Walk - River Hamble Country Park

Fabulous Sunday morning walk. I counted 60 Schnauzers but there may have been more. 

Purdie had a ball, as usual, playing with all her friends. 

Enjoyed fields, river and woodland. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Musical Mayhem Show

This weekend Mya is part of a 100 strong cast from the Saturday Arabesque workshops of Westergate, Chichester and Selsey performing Musical Mayhem.  

Mya is performing in Annie (as orphan Pepper) and Shrek (as the Gingerbread Man). 

She was amazing. We’re so proud of her. Performed her heart out. 

New Car

Today we picked up a new car. A little run-around to replace John’s Ford. 
It a Skoda Fabia and a lovely car to drive. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Happy Pancake Day

Served for breakfast today. 

Traditional lemon and sugar. 

Garden Development

I have been working on a hard standing / potting area outside my greenhouse.  After digging out, laying weed mat, today I put down the gravel to finish off the area. Happy with my work. 

Feeling excited about the spring ahead, so many bulbs waiting to burst! 

My forsythia is starting to flower. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

First Signs of Spring

The garden is coming to life. 
2 crocuses show their beauty with the spring sunshine showing. 

My Daphne bush that I planted last spring is filling the air with a beautiful scent. 

Mya enjoyed a snooze in the Hammock. It was so warm sitting on the patio today. 

We’ve bought some climbing Jasmine to fill our arch this summer. 

A few seeds planted to start them off in the greenhouse. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Our Lovely Holiday Accommodation

Our fantastic stay at Appletree Holiday Park in Boston Lincolnshire has come to an end. 

Purdie was very comfortable and loved looking out the windows. 

They even had a driving range to hit a few golf balls. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Kinema in the Woods

What an amazing place, the Kinema at Woodhall Spa.  It’s a cinema in the woods. So fantastic, just like the original cinemas of the past, with back projection, old fashion decor, curtains that draped up at start of the film. 

There were even coat hooks to hang your coats at the edge of the lines of seats. 

We watched Puss In Boots. 

We even had an intermission half way through where the traditional organ raised up from the floor in front of the screen to entertain us whilst we waited for the second half. 

Such an experience. 

A Very Misty Day

We had a walk around Witham Country Park. On a clear day it must be beautiful, walking along the edge of the canal. It was so misty today, you couldn’t see very far in front of you. A few signs of spring though. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Time with Annette

We had a lovely morning with Annette. A walk along the river to a fab cafe. 

So important having this family time. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Family Dinner

Sunday dinner at Five Bells in Bassingham

Cousin love. 

Aunty Tina with the kids. 

Family Time in Lincoln

Such a wonderful afternoon catching up with Annette, Louie, Rachel and Ollie.  Relaxing walk around Hartsholme and Swanholme lakes. followed by a lovely Sunday dinner at Five Bells in Bassingham. 

Kids and dogs where best of buddies. Had a blast. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Pamper Day

An early birthday present for me….. having my hair done. 

A blissful walk to the salon at my local town…… what a view! 

Peppermint tea and cake whilst I wait for the colour to process. 
So delighted with the colour, almost back to my natural look. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Girls Catch-up

A lovely afternoon with Luella. Lunch, coffee then a fab walk around Kingleyvale. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A Sneaky Coffee

After a lovely walk around the West Dean Estate we stopped off for a coffee at the Goodwood Aerodrome.