Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Christmas Has arrived

Ready for the 1st December, we put up the tree this evening. 

Mya has also written her Christmas List. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Mya’s Tree

She just couldn’t t hold out any longer.  Mya put her tree up in her room today. 

Blustery Walk at Climping

We couldn’t believe how much the shoreline has changed and eroded in such a short period of time. They really need to put some sea defences in place. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Happy Birthday John

The sun shone for John today. 

A lovely walk from Felpham to Bognor and cake cards and pressies. 

Out for dinner tonight. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Remembrance Service

We attended the service at Arundel yesterday. Very moving and special to be part of the community. 
Lest We Forget. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

An Autumn Walk

And Another Leak!

As well as the leak in the roof, we also noticed a damp patch appearing in the lounge ceiling. It appears to be coming from our ensuite shower. John removed the door of the shower which showed some breaks in the grout so he sealed all round in the Hope we had sorted it, but after having showers this morning the leak appeared again.  There is nothing for it but to rip the whole shower out including all the tiles and plasterboard to see what’s going on. 

We feel that we are pretty cursed by water issues. Lost track of the number that we fixed whilst in NZ! 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Roof Repair

With the heavy rain over the last week, we discovered a leak in our roof.  The gully in the pitch of our master bedroom has a crack in the fibreglass. Luckily we managed to get a local roofing company in to strip the tiles back and replace the valley tray before we have anymore damage inside the house. Fingers crossed it sorts the problem. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Parents Evening

We met with Mr McGreevy, Mya’s teacher this week. Mya has improved and worked so hard on her studies at school.  We couldn’t be more proud of her. 

She showed us some of her work on World War II. 

Water Skills Award

Mya was awarded Level 4 in Water Skills this week. She is really coming on with her swimming. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

WW11 Homework

A shoebox creation depicting the difference between life in the country and the towns during World War 11. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Country Walk

Lovely, chilly walk today at Durleigh Marsh. 

The highlight of my day, 3 deer in the field next to the path we were walking along. So magical. 

Hair Cut Time

Mya’s hair has grown longer but desperately needed some styling. 

She wasn’t keen to get it cut but was delighted with the end result. It now looks so much thicker and healthier. Grown up hair do for a grown up girl.