Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Walk at Petworth

We had to run for cover when a heavy rain shower hit, hiding under the trees until it passed. 

Wonderful walking so close to the deer. 

Stopped in Petworth for cheesy lunch. 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Clearing Up the Mess

We needed to clear all the branches that we cut down. We tried burning it but the neighbours weren’t too happy so decided to cut it all into smaller pieces and load up bags to take down the dump. 

After 6 trips down the dump we have managed to clear it all. Great work done. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Platinum Jubilee Picnic Day at School Today

This poster is made up of art from each of the classes in the school. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Pantry Organising

My kitchen pantry is getting sorted. I believe I’m a bit OCD on my storage. 

John Attacking the Garden

We had a second go at clearing the corner bush. With Johns muscles, the lopper and chainsaw it’s now down and looking good. 

Now to do the clearing up of all the debris! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Garden Clearing

We have a corner of the garden that needs to be cut back. The plan is to put a seating area there once cleared. 

I started to attack it yesterday. 

Cleared the front branches so we can see what we need to chop down. 

Not sure how to get rid of all the debris! 

New Shed

A nice big space ready for the shed. 

Doesn’t take me long to fill! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Solar System Homework


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Garage Organising

Whilst Mya and I were out having fun, John spent the day organising his garage. 
It started with emptying it in the drive. 

We got some foam matting to line the floor. 

It’s looking a lot more sorted but he needs more shelving and a work bench. 

Backyard Breakfast

Mya and I had a lovely morning after being invited to attend a backyard breakfast by our local farmer and his wife Karen. 
It was a chance for us to meet some lovely local people and enjoy some yummy food. 

We also created some decorative hangings from driftwood and shells. 

Such a fun morning. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Bliss Bowl Breakfasts

A good start to a school day. 

Improvements to the Veg Beds

I added some edges,from scraps of wood, to my temporary vegetable beds to protect the plants. It’s now looking quite tidy.  It’s also exciting that things are starting to grow. 

My sweet peas are growing well too.