Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Lulu has Arrived!

She has managed to track Mya down to England. 

She even made sure that her Covid test was negative before entering the house. 

Mum Soon to Join Us

The last breakfast before being picked up for Mum’s flight to join us in England. 

Sold Sign Up Already!

Even though we haven’t completed yet, they’ve  already put a ‘Sold’ sign up!  

The house will be a complete renovation. Today we met with a builder to discuss what work we want to do. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Dinner!!! And Down Time

Very excited about my Toad-in-the-hole this evening. No recipe or proper cooking utensils but it puffed up more than before, sausages nearly being pushed out the pan. It was yummy. 

Mya was enjoying some computer time with Purdie this evening. 

Christmas Wreath

We bought a wreath to decorate our door. Christmas is official here! 


We woke up to snow this morning. We drove up to Catherington and had a wonderful snowy country walk with the dogs. 

Christmas Woodland Walk

Such an amazing Christmas experience at Keydell Nurseries. Completely breathtaking. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Jack and the Beanstalk

Such a fabulous afternoon at the Panto at the Kings Theatre. 

Amazing stage sets and completely entertaining. 

Purdie also had a fabulous afternoon at Ross and Zena’s being totally spoilt. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Petersfield Light Switch On

So busy with people. Carol singing and Christmas lights on a chilly night, must be Christmas in England. 

Glorious Day on Hayling

My best winter days, fresh and cold but beautifully clear skies. Stunning. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

New Car

I just love my new car. It literally has ALL the bells and whistles, including massage seats, automatic boot opener and sun / glass roof. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Walk Around The Mill Pond at Emsworth

Riding Lesson

It was a beautiful winters day, perfect for a ride.