Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Level 3 Smoothie!

We moved to Level 3 lockdown today. Our local cafe Dynasti are offering ‘click and collect’ ordering so Mya and I treated ourselves to yummy smoothies after a great dog walk. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Birthday Fun

A lovely spring walk and bike ride….

Roto rock hiding…..

Colouring …..

And cake cutting…..

Make a wish

Happy 9th Birthday Gorgeous Girl

Our beautiful, funny and loving girl. Wishing the most amazing lockdown birthday. 9 today! 

Mya’s special present was a Green Stone Pounamu,  They are highly valued in New Zealand, and carvings made from pounamu play an important role in Māori culture. ‘ The Twist’ design symbolises the bond between people, connecting the lives of family, friends or loved ones. It signifies one’s own life path with its twists and turns. The man that carved Mya’s is called Johnny Vroblfski who lives in Hokitika, South Island, New Zealand. 

Mya’s class sang her Happy Birthday. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Today’s Online Art class

Today….a cat. 


Mya had her first go at embroidery today. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Last Day of Work

It wasn’t what I had planned for my last week and day of work being lockdown at home. Will miss the girls in the office and had a great 2 1/2 years as part of the NZHL Team in Rotorua. 

Looking forward to meeting up with them all once Covid levels reduce and party time at the Business Awards. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cow Tutorial

Mya followed a drawing tutorial online today. Learning how to draw a highland cow. A pretty good effort. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

New Clothes!

Even though our puppy is booked in to be spayed next week, which is likely to be postponed because of lockdown, her body had other ideas and has come into heat. 

We have fashioned some babygrows for her to wear in the house! 

And she has also been wearing some of Mya’s pants! 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Zoom & Lego

Mya had her first Zoom. Catch up with her class that involved a Scavenger Hunt. 

Then Mya had a Lego afternoon creating a hospital with Covid Testing Centre and isolation ward. 

Walks & Bike Ride

The last couple of days we have made the most of the mild weather to enjoy walks along the Reserve. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Last Tiling Job

John did some last minute tiling to tidy up the basin in the garage area. I missed the chance of getting ‘before photo’ as John works too quickly, but it did look awful with a big hole in the wall by the toilet. 

Now vastly improved. 

Mask Making

I thought I’d use up some of my spare fabric. 

I made another batch of masks. 

Mya and I tested a couple out today. 


John and I set to and painted our dining table and chairs to spruce them up a bit. 

They now look like new. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Level 4 Lockdown Again

Managed a dog walk along the front… fully masked up. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Lamb Feeding

At Aunty Rosemary’s 

Lakefront Walk with Eden

Animal communication

It was very sweet watching Purdie and Chester & Nibby getting to know each other. 

All behaving very gently and calmly.