Monday, May 31, 2021

Graduation at Puppy School

Last class tonight. Purdie passed with flying colours. Her favourite part was playing with all the other puppies. On her last weigh-in she was 4.6kg. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Attacking the Garden

After a pouring wet day yesterday, we managed to achieve some gardening jobs today. 

We got a trailer of chippings and replenished the paths around the veggie plot....

Pruned the Byddleja and herbs back....

Tidied the banks of the drive, sweeping up the leaves and putting them in the chicken pen for the chickens to scratch around at. 

We finished off with putting some chippings around the hedge that’s growing by the garage.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Happy 6th Birthday Caelan

Farewell Athiena

Mya said goodbye to a school friend Athiena today. 

Photo is of Mackenzie, Athiena, Quinn and Mya. 

She’s moving away from the area. 

14 Weeks Old

Movie Night

Purdie is loving 102 Dalmatians. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Tree House

Whilst I was weeding John was building a tree house in our old walnut tree in the paddock. 

First platform is done. 

Whilst John was working, Mya created this beautiful design with banana leaves and hydrangea flowers. 

Veggie Garden

My veggie garden was in serious need of attention. Weeds taking over and the cages over the beds falling apart. 
A weekend of hard graft and it’s now looking a bit more kept. 

Now to prepare the beds for winter. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Puppy Training Class This Week

Such good dogs.  Second week in and look like they’re learning something! 

I didn’t get a photo of Purdie and the lab racing around the room at top speed for the rest of the hour. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Lovely Mother’s Day

Delicious breakfast, 
then a breathtaking walk around the Tree Trust. Truly Mother Nature at her best. 

Ended the day with Roast chicken and a foot spa relax. Perfect. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Millie is Starting to Soften!

Millie is having moments of thinking a friend isn’t too bad. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Penning In

John made a pen to keep Purdie in a controlled area of the garden.