Friday, March 26, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021


Not a good start to the day, some a-hole came up last night and smashed my drivers window of my car. John heard Millie barking at 2am so I think she scared them off before they did anymore damage or stole anything.

Sad to think that people feel the need to do this.  There was nothing worth stealing in the car and it was unlocked.   
Feeling so grateful that our gorgeous Millie guarded us in the house. 

Obstacle Challenge

Early start this morning for Mya to compete in the Obstacle Challenge. 

She had great fun, burnt off some energy and caught up with some friends. A good morning. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

2 more certificates for Swimming

Mya came home with a couple more certificates from the swimming competition. 2 seconds, so proud of her achievement. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Birthday Wishes

Thank you for all the lovely cards, presents and flowers. 
I had a lovely day, despite having to work. 
Mya arranged a treasure hunt around the garden with clues and homemade gifts at each location. She put in so much effort. 

John decided it was a good idea to bring home balloons filled with confetti stars,  until 1 burst and sprayed the whole lounge in stars. 
After a family dinner we had yummy posh patisseries. Delicious! 

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Drawing by Mya. 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Rest In Peace Sylvia

John’s Mum so sadly passed away yesterday. Such a wonderful Mother and Grandmother to us. 
May she now Rest In Peace back with Michael by her side. 

Swimming Success

Mya had her swimming sports the other week. Due to Covid restrictions we weren’t able to be there to cheer her on. 
She came home this week with 3 certificates, all 1st places in Breaststroke, Freestyle and Medley (3 lengths of the pool doing 3 different strokes). Such an amazing achievement. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Yesterday Mya took her easle and paint set up to the top of the garden and painted the view.