Saturday, October 31, 2020

New Shed

John has been working hard over the past weeks. 

He’s even built me a set of shelves to store my bits on. 

New Garden Tool

John bought me a gadget to tidy up the edges of the garden. 

It’s now looking alot tidier. 

Ride the Runway

Up bright and early this Sunday Morning to Ride The Runway for the Rotorua Bike Festival. 

We managed 2 laps before the time was up. 

The sun even came out for a short time. 

We bumped into friend Kiara half way round. 

A great start to the day. 

Another Night another Halloween Party

Tonight was at MIGS Gym. Mya sorted her costume all herself, including make up. She said she was dressed as a ghost. 

The Big Sing

Mya performed with the school choir at the Bug Sing in Tauranga this week. 

She was singled out by the Principal as being one of the outstanding performers within the group. Feeling very proud. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Start of Halloween

An evening at the Linton Community Centre, Halloween fun. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Marshmallows before Bed

Special treat. 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Secret Spot Soak

To finish off the day. 

The umbrella was to shade us from the sun, not the rain 

Harmony the Hen

Such a feral chicken until Mya is holding her and then she’s just like a baby. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Cat Cafe

Teacher only day today so I took Mya and friend Amelia to the Cat Cafe in town. 

The girls cooled off on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath when we got home. 


So proud of Mya tonight. She stood up and presented to her unit all about Sign language, even spelling out her name in sign. Explaining that her grandmother was deaf. She even told them about the Hearing Dog association explaining what a hearing dog does for a deaf person. 

The end acitibity was making a robotic hand from card, string and straws. 

Monday, October 19, 2020


Greeted by Maybe at the drive this morning. 

How can you resist that face. 

Funny Get-Up

Relaxed dressing at the weekend. Mya cuddling her chicks dressed in her Bali pants, ski jacket and John’s crocs. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Mayoral Performance

Hundreds of the retired Rotorua community gathered today at the Energy Events Centre to watch the Mayoral Concert. Part of it was the Kaharoa Choir which Mya was part of. 

Mya lead the choir on to the stage and at the end was called back to the stage and answered questions to the audience about being in the school choir. Always our daughter finds herself at the centre of the limelight! 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Pet Day at School

Pet Day at school today. 
Mya got a ribbon for Tottie but they changed how they judged this year and went more on the looks of Chick rather than the children’s knowledge. 
Still, we had a good day. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Rainbows at Brownies tonight.