Thursday, May 28, 2020

Brownie Zoom Meeting

The activity at brownies this evening. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Matching Donkeys

Pepsi managed rip her winter rug to pieces. I found her standing in the field with it hanging around her neck. So now she has a lovely new, very cosy and matching rug. We now have a pair of very warm and wrapped up donkeys ready for the chilly winter nights. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

School Dress Up

First Days of School

So much fun and learning. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Maths Champion

Another week and another award on Mya’s Maths Whizz. So proud. 

Back to School

And just like that Mya is back to School. 

Her first word when she woke up, she shouted “school, school, xchool”. Then she said she felt like she had a butterfly in her belly with giant wings. Soooooo excited. 
I had a blissful day, tidying and sorting out the house with no disturbances apart from my feathered companions on the door step. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Stay at Home Brownie Camp

Mya shared her camp at home, firstly with Willow.
Making parachutes .....

Country walk ....

And then with Peyton....
Camp in the lounge....

Burger dinner

And Brownie Zoom meeting

Mya with Her Gaga

After 7 weeks of lockdown, Mya proudly shows Gaga all the hard work she has been doing whilst at home. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday Fun

A good Brownie Zoom meeting...

Monday, May 11, 2020

Tuesday Activities

Mya’s marvellous medicine and then she made it. 


Taking over the lounge....

Monday Schooling

Mya story for today...

Lots of spelling learning

And enjoying the sun on a bike ride. 

1st coffee out in 8 weeks, at our local shop. Funny photo of Mya!

Mya’s choice of book for reading

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Round 2 of Ground Clearance

John and I had a second go at clearing the drive bank this morning and managed to finish it. Looking so much better and so tidy. 

Maths Whizz

We are super proud of our daughter.  Throughout the lockdown, every morning Mya has worked at an online maths course, at times it has been hard work and she’s struggled, but we’ve kept going and we have seen a massive improvement in her learning. Well this week she has managed 14 progressions on the course, a massive achievement and has been awarded a Silver certificate from the Principal for doing so well. 

Absolutely amazing. 

Happy Mother’s Day

I have had a lovely day. Woken with a box of homemade goodies from Mya. My most special gift was a jar full of notes with positive and loving words. I can pull one out any time I feel sad. 

Lovely cards and flowers picked from the garden. Spoilt with crumpets for breakfast and John cooked my favourite roast chicken for dinner. Mya also gave me a manicure and pedicure. 

Scones for lunch were decorated by Mya with raspberry jelly and yogurt. 

Sending all our love to my wonderful Mum and a Gaga, separated from us today due to Covid but in our hearts and minds. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ground Clearing

The sun was shining, perfect autumn day to get out in the garden and clear the overgrown bushes and weeds. 

Work in progress.....