Monday, September 30, 2019

Oops! Bean Bag Explosion

Polystyrene beads everywhere. 

Sticking to child and dogs. Think my mum will be finding them for months to come. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

School Holidays - Mya’s time at the beach with her Gaga

More Lolly Sticking

Think she should now be on the payroll! 

Playing Hairdressers

This is going to be all the craze in years to come!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sunday Bike Ride

Friday, September 27, 2019

Introduction to Brownies

Mya had a taster evening this week at the Brownies group. She starts next term. 

They made cheese toasties on the outside gas stoves. 

Age Concern Quiz Night

The girls got together tonight at the Racecourse. Out of 25 teams we came 3rd. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chickie Update

They’re loosing their chick feathers and looking a bit scruffy at the moment. 

Farewell to Pippins

It was Mya’s last evening at Pippins. Another couple of badges to add to her Sash and farewell certificate. Next term she starts Brownies. 

Mya and her friend Kyra. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mya’s Solo Performance

To end the term at Drama Class there was a Showcase Finale. As Mya was the only one in her class she performed alone on stage and she was the first person to perform. 
We put together her soccer out fit. 

She did amazing, not forgetting any of her lines, unlike  most of the older kids, and definitely set the standard if the show. So proud of her. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

First BBQ

Don’t let your wife light the BBQ. Too much fuel, temps up to 270 degrees centigrade.
Poor John nearly lost his eyebrows and the sausages ended up like black bullets. 

Lots of room for improvement as the season moves on. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Movie Night with Kiara

Redwoods Walk

Such a lovely morning catching up with Jayne and Clare and the kids. Mya had so much fun with all the boys. Forest play, loads of walking and then a picnic in the sun. Making special memories. 

With all the modernisation they are doing its such a great place to spend time. 

Beautiful Spring

Sun’s Out Sprinkler On!

Very Happy Birthday Dearest Mum