Thursday, March 28, 2019

School Award

Great work Mya. We’re so proud of you. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A final farewell

Mya held a funeral this evening. Her way of saying goodbye. 

Dearest Titan - Rest In Peace

Today we are broken hearted. We have had to say goodbye to our beautiful boy. There will be a void in our life with out you here. 

In his younger years, he tested our patience, strong willed and a bundle of fun. We fondly remember early morning frosty walks, before dawn, across the golf course at Hayling, playing hide and seek.  From being hooked on a fishing line, to taking on any size of dog, to grabbing chickens and chasing sheep.   He was our baby boy before Mya arrived, tucking him in his blanket each night. So many memories, too many to share. He was my constant garden companion, would listen to all my babbles of the day, and be there for doggy cuddles whenever we needed it. He has travelled across the world with us and been a furry friend for Mya throughout her growing up. 
Titan, you will be more than missed, gone in body but forever with us in Soul. 
Rest In Peace. 💖😢

Colourful for Christchurch

Dress Colourful Day at school today, in memory of the dear people who lost their lives in the shootings in Christchurch. 💖

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Puppies are Growing Fast!

A lovely Birthday

I’ve had a relaxing lunch out with my favourite people followed by a scrummy dinner cooked by John. I’m a very lucky lady. 

Thank you dearest family and friends for all my cards, presents and birthday love. 

Mya’s Fearsome Lion

And I thought it was a possessed gerbil!!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Waiting for the School Bus

Our little poppet, love her so much. 

Off For a Sleep-over Tonight

Friday, March 8, 2019

Selling Biscuits for the Girl Guides

Set up at our local supermarket for a 2 hour slot and managed to sell out of them all within the first hour. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

School Swimming Gala

Mya, our little fish, did amazing today at her swimming gala. Three 1st places and two 2nds. So proud of her, amazing. 

Monday, March 4, 2019


Mya has joined Pippins, part of Girl Guides organisation. 

Today she has been out with her Pippin friends selling Girl Guide Biscuits door to door. 

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Children’s Day

With special friends. 

Entertaining the crowds by singing a song. 

Mya dressing as a rainbow. 

Any idea what she’s being here? ......... a volcano. 

Mya’s Pancakes

Under my guidance Mya made the batter and cooked her own pancake stack for breakfast. 
And then ate them.