Monday, July 30, 2018

Eeek! New Car

Very excited. 


Harold the Giraffe has been visiting Mya’s school this last week. 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

So So Proud

Words can’t express how proud we are of our strong, adaptable and outgoing girl. She has coped with so much this year and shines through it all. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A Chilly Start

Can I have some UK warmth back please? 

Monday, July 23, 2018


Missing lots of people and things about the UK, but at least Costa can be replaced! Thank you darling husband.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Back to Kahoroa School

After a week’s recovery, Mya had her first day back at Kahoroa. She’s now in Room 2 Class Kowhai. With teacher Mrs Linda Hale. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Prize Winner

We entered one of Mya’s drawings in a magazine competition and she won. She got a Minions board game and had her picture printed. 

Mya loving being back with Daddy

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Homeward Bound

After nearly 5 months away from home we’re heading back. 

The first rays of a New Zealand sunrise on our arrival into Auckland. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Big Hugs Goodbye to Dad

I have done all that I came to do.  Hoping he can enjoy life and live it to the full. 

Final Goodbyes

A very hard evening saying goodbye to Louise, Steve and the Girls. We went for a lovely evening at the Rising Sun in Miland. 

The only way to start an emotional evening, a large G&T.

Mya’s Last Day at Liss Infant School

As a special treat Mya was allowed to ring the bell at the start of school. 

Her teacher, Miss Linnard, organised a whole day on New Zealand, especially for Mya. 

Mya sang both the New Zealand National Anthem and a Local Maori song to her class and also took in some bottle brush plants (similar to the Pohutukawa plant) and some kiwi fruit for the class to try. 

They gave her some very special books made by the class with photos and their names and details about all she has done whilst at Liss Infants. Such wonderful memories. 

This is a picture of Mya with friend Bianca. Such a difference in their heights! 

And friend Emily, both dressed up in the classroom photo booth. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Chocolate Frog Tearoom at Oakhanger

Such a wonderful lunch with very special and dearest friends. 

Birthday Assembly

This one Mya was actually one of the birthday group as her birthday’s in August.

Mya told the Assembly all about her favourite book, ‘Making sea animals with craft’

And then described her underwater scene that included, a mermaid, fish, shell and seaweed.