Monday, April 30, 2018

Farewell Dear Friend

7am wake-up call this morning, as we say farewell to our dear friend Skippy. You’ve served us well and we’re going to miss you. 

Dressing the Outside of the House

Trying to get ready for Marketing pictures on Thursday. A few flowers make such a difference. 

Getting Ready for Another Dump Run


Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Bubble Queen


Pizza Dinner

Mya has been such a little angel today whilst I’ve been working. Keeping Granny company indoors, watching films and creating crafts. 
As a treat we went to her favourite restaurant ASK where she had a kud’s 3 course meal, including a chocolate pizza for pudding and babychino. 

Burn Up

Dearest Cherry and Peter from next door have helped me all day today, clearing and burning wood from the sheds.  I am just overwhelmed by their kindness and support.  I’ve managed 3 massive loads to the dump and we’ve cleared the wood shed at the end of the garden. Only another 4 sheds to go! 

Pressure Washing

Cleaned down the patio last evening. 
Looking a bit brighter now. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Weekend Homework

This weekend Mya had to create a Story Map of a Farm. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Dad building up his muscles


Early Morning Drawing

Before heading into school Mia and Mya get busy drawing.
Mya’s picture of Ben & Holly and Gaston the ladybird.

Loving Mia’s portrait of Mya. 

Finally some photos from Step In Time - Petersfield Youth Theatre


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Drawing of today

Mya walking the dog to go rock climbing. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

1st Love Letter

Mya came home with her first love letter today from her classmate Benji. So very cute. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Fun Fair Fun

As soon as we arrived the weather seemed to change. Typical British weather! 
We still had fun at the fair. 

Hovercraft to Ryde in the Isle of Wight

The sun was shining when we left Southsea. 


Friday, April 20, 2018

Visit to the Local Garden Centre

After school pick up today we headed to the local garden centre for a treat then buy a hanging basket for the front of the house. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

After School Fun in the Sun

Time to enjoy the Heath Pond, feed the ducks and have a play.