Thursday, November 30, 2017

Elf in the House

The 1st of December only means one thing in our house, the return of Missy Lulu Elf, complete with Santa’s letter, chocolate, advent calendar and Christmas bunting. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sad Puppy

As we leave for school each morning, we are sent off with Titan longingly watching us go, from his dog flap. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

First BBQ of the Summer Season

Testing out our new BBQ, an early Christmas present to ourselves. 

Strawberry Picking

An early start on a Sunday morning. We got to Julian’s Berry Farm, an hour from home, ready for breakfast at 8.30.   The strawberries are at the best at the moment, some real whoppers. 
It’s hard not to eat as many as you pick!
Only way to finish the visit is with a berry ice cream. 

Friday, November 24, 2017


An evening watching Nanogirl live onstage. 
Full of science experiments, explosions and fun learning.  A great show.

Black Friday Sale

Mitre 10 seem to be flogging off little red headed girls! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

After School Cool Off

It’s been a hot day. We stopped off at the lake on the way home for a bit of a cool down. 

Letter to Santa

Mya has written her letter to Santa. 
She has asked for :
A vampire cape and fangs
Nom noms
Water balloons
My little pony water castle. 

Bless her. 

Horse Riding

From working on the Elections I met a lovely lady, Kirsty.  She lives just up the road from Mya’s school.  She has two horses and offered for me to come up and ride.   So each week I go up and as well as coffee and catch up we also ride across next doors farm with breathtaking views across the lake towards Rotorua. How lucky am I! 

After School Treats


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Homegrown Brocoli....yum!

First of the season, home grown Brocoli from the greenhouse. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Another Beautiful Sunset


Birthday weekend - Day 2

Birthday cards and presents in the morning. As well as buying John a box of nails (what daddy would most like), Mya also made him an amazing birthday card. 
John shared his birthday with Mya’s friend Stella from Kindy, so we went to Paradise Valley Animal Park. It was a Superhero theme. 

Very Happy Birthday My Gorgeous Husband - Day 1

We’ve had a weekend of family time to celebrate John’s Birthday. 
Saturday we went out to the Buried Village; treasure hunt followed by a cream tea. 
Then hot chips from the Airstream Cafe in the way home.