Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fishing at School

Mya designed and created these very effective fishing rods. She used some fabric to create water and then invited some of her class mates to come and enjoy some fishing. 
Amazing creative play from our gorgeous girl, so proud of her. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mya’s Family

Mya drew a picture of us today, John is the blue heart, i’m the red heart and Mya is orange. 

Beautiful Wisteria

It was a ‘teacher only’ day at school so Mya and I went out to enjoy the wisteria at the local Kuirau Park in Rotorua. 
Mya even had a foot soak in the hot pools.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Daddy / Daughter Day

Whilst I was working at home this weekend, John took Mya climbing.  
Even John had a go at the leap of faith.  Photos taken by Mya with John’s phone. 


Mya’s picture of a swimming pool, including diving board, ladder and changing rooms. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bird Feeders

Yesterday Mya made bird feeders to hang in the woods at school. She has had such a fun first week. 

Lunch and Relax before a school Pickup

The sun is out, time to sit down and enjoy homemade Hummus, paleo zucchini and squash bread and fresh tomatoes.
Then a stretch out on the hammock overlooking the lake. 

School Trip to Awahou Stream

For conservation week, Mya’s class and year 2 visited an elderly couple’s property (Sue and Japp) who have spent the last 50 years planting native trees to help the conservation of Awahou Stream in Hamurana. 
All Mya’s class gathered around the Kauri tree that Japp has just planted. 
Thirsty work walking in the woods on a hot day. 

Hair Plaiting


An Evening of Mud

With the Travelling Tuataras; stories, songs and mud at dusk in the Redwood Forest.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Boot Room

Over the course of the house renovations we had to completely remove and re-build our Boot Room. 
At every chance John has been trying get it back up and useable. 
This weekend he finished off the boxing and hung the hooks. At last somewhere to put all our shoes and coats. 

These School Runs are a Real Bitch!

And the views are even worse. 

Mya’s School Uniform

A compulsory sun hat for Term 4 and Term 1 of 2018.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

1st Day At School!

The day has come for Mya to start school. 
I had to go into her room this morning to wake her up, still fast asleep at 7.30! 
She was looking forward to it. I stayed for the school assembly, where Mya was asked to stand at the front and be welcomed. 
I know she'll have an amazing first day. 
Our baby's all grown up. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Is it the start of Summer?

Mya thinks it is, breakfast alfresco with the sunnies and cap on. 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Art Opportunity

A tiny bird flew into our kitchen window this morning. Whilst it sat there recovering, Mya grabbed the opportunity to draw it. 

Think We're Already Living With a Teenager!


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Tulip Festival Crafts