Friday, September 29, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Evening Walk Along Hamurana Reserve Before Dinner



Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Glimpse of Spring Between the Showers

The veggies in the greenhouse seem to be doing well.

Our Puppies

Just thought it was about time to post a couple of pictures of the dogs. Titan especially is starting to really age.  

Wendy House Play

This afternoon Mya cooked me up a picnic tea in her Wendy House, yum!


Last Day at Kindergarten

Today Steiner Kindegarden said farewell to Mya. After a story Mya is given her books detailing all her adventures throughout the last 3 years and then walks through the special wooden arch decorated with stars and flowers to leave kindergarten and say goodbye. 
We treated her to lunch at her favourite cafe, Capers. Mya enjoyed looking through her books. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


We had a bonfire last night to burn all the trees and bushes that we've taken down recently. 

Bush Removal

We're clearing around the edge of our main garden around the house. One bush in particular has got too big so John set to at the weekend to remove it.  
So much clearer and lighter without it.

Happy Birthday Mum

A lovely lunch out at Abracadabra with Aunty Rose then a slice of cake at home. 
Blowing out the candles. 

Morning School Visit

Mya was very excited to go off for her morning school visit today.  An update through her teacher is showing that she has already got into the school way of life, even if she doesn't officially start til October. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Short Of Grass

We're running a little low on grass in the paddocks while weather warms up so decided to open up the top part of the garden to the donkeys. They're loving it.  Reminds me of having my ponies in the garden in Petersfield when I was young. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sowing Seeds

A sick day today, so no kindy. Thought it was a good idea to get our seeds planted, ready for planting in the garden in a month or so. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Feeling Poorly

Mya is a bit under the weather this weekend, as well as cold she has sore eyes, so she had a cucumber relax this afternoon to ease the discomfort. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to my dearest hubby, always tested to the max by our strong willed daughter, we both love you to the moon and back! 
Sending love across the seas to our Dad's in the U.K., wish we were closer.