Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Kindergarten Birthday Celebration

A wonderful birthday celebration at Mya's kindergarten today. 
We have a birthday story (of Mya's life so far), gifts from all her friends, followed by a shared lunch and cake. A very special time. 

Happy 5th Birthday Darling Mya

Our fairy daughter turned 5 today. It was a day filled with excitement, outfit changes, presents, treats and lots of cake! A very special family time. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sleep over

Mya has had her friend Alfie sleeping over for the last couple of nights. They have got on so well and had such fun. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Mya's 5th Birthday Party

15 kids climbing at Rocktopia to help celebrate Mya's 5th birthday.
They all seemed to have fun and after climbing, food, cake, games, Pinata, ice cream and lots of sweets, all left exhausted and happy. 
Mya even stood up to give a speech thanking her friends for coming.
Mya still on a high at the end of the day. Will she last through to her actual birthday on Wednesday? 

Mummy Cuddles


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Picnic by the Wendy House

Mya decided she wanted a pretend picnic under the tree next to her Wendy house. Poor Millie was made to join in.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Our greeting when we get home from Kindy

They're getting use to us having carrots in the car when we come home. They come cantering down the paddock when they hear us.?

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Family Ski Time

Whilst Mya was having her lesson, John and I had chance for a ski. 
Then Mya joined us for a couple of runs. Ending up with her beating John to a race to the bottom of the slope! 
Celebratory hot chocolate, only way to end a successful day. 

Ski Lesson

With the morning looking brighter than forecast we decided to chance it up the mountain at Whakapapa and managed to get Mya booked in for a 2 hour private ski lesson with instructor Sophia. After a quick chocolate bar for a bit of energy she was off. 
She did amazingly well, we were so proud of her. Pretty exhausted by the end of the session. 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Early Evening Walk

A break in the weather allowed us to have a walk along the river before pizza dinner.