Sunday, January 31, 2016

Home Grown Veggies and Outdoor Bucket Bath

All of our salad this evening was grown in the garden.

Only way to bath on a hot Summer's evening is Alfresco!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The A & P Show

Petting zoo, driving the fire truck, water fights and pony rides, what more could you want?

Friday, January 29, 2016

New Chicken House

The last couple of weekends John has been building a new chicken shed for our chooks.  
It's much more protected from the weather, has lots of roosting perches and cosy nesting boxes.  

Now we need to keep them in the pen for a couple of days so they get use to it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Summer Holiday Fun

Mya decided to paint her own face today.....
She hasn't yet learnt the concept of 'less is more'.

This evening she held a Masquerade Ball on the patio, even Titan had to dress up!

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Mya loves drawing people at the moment.  This is one of her 5 minute creations today.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Beach Play with Friends

All that fresh air, sun and play wears a girl out......

Our sleeping angel.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lovely Family Meal in Eat Streat

Love the Summer evenings.

And a face paint on the way home from the Night Market.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Plum Picking Time

A great picking today, filling 2 buckets and still left a lot on the tree that were way too high to reach.
Yummy plum tart for pudding. Happy tummies! 😊

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ohope Bliss

Mya and I have just had a wonderfully relaxing couple of days at Gaga's beach house.

The best place on earth to sit and have freshly baked patisseries and coffee, heaven.

Relaxing on the deck.

Wonderful evening meal with a stunning view.

Fun times with Gaga

Paddling, kite flying, biking and building.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sheep Herding

Mya is now our top Sheep Herder, she was chasing the poor animals all over the paddock today!

New Bantams

After the sad demise of our fairy queen bantam (she died of old age). We now have 2 new grey Mottled Pekin Silkies.  They are very cute and also tame enough to pick up and stroke. Mya has named them Elsa and Anna!

Pretending It's Autumn

After a bit of tree pruning, Mya wanted to pretend it's autumn and play in the leaves, and then have a wheelbarrow ride with Titan.

Caelan Sitting

Had a fun morning looking after Caelan, whilst Adele had to pop into work. He was an angel, even sleeping for over and hour and a half.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Vegetable Patch

To stop the chickens eating my vegetables, John built me a 2m fence all round my vegetable beds.  Now the chooks can roam free again and I can enjoy my gardening.  Not bad for an afternoons work. Happy days!