Sunday, March 22, 2015

Kaharoa Trolley Derby and Family a Time at the Gongolas!

Kahoroa School held their annual trolly derby today.  Lots of Dad's have been working away in their garages for the last weeks coming up with the ultimate speed machine.  You can see that Mya was riveted by it. She did come to life when she spotted the bouncy castle. 
We then headed up to the Gondolas, or as Mya calls them Gongolas, for an ice cream and to take in the view. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Harvest Festival at Kindergarten

Today we celebrated Harvest at Mya's kindergarten.  The children did a musical story and then we had a shared picnic in the garden. A lovely afternoon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Birthday Fun

I had a wonderful birthday, coffee with friends, a yummy lunch with Mya, Adele and Mum at Picnic, feeding the ducks and walking in the woods at Hamurana Spring, then John and I went out for dinner at Capers and to the cinema.

Feeling completely spoilt!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Glamping in Raglan

We've just had a weekend at Solscape Retreat in Raglan.

We had a belle tent, 10 minutes walk into the woods from the main campsite, with open air kitchen and solar showers. Despite the rain, we had a real adventure and family time together.

Mya found a little friend to play with in the gardens of Solscape, very cute together running around hand in hand.

We stopped off on the way home at Leap in Hamilton. A indoor trampolining fun park which Mya loved.