Sunday, March 30, 2014

Swimming at the Blue Baths

Early morning story time before heading out....

With the sun shining we all went for a swim at our local Blue Baths.

Blue Baths is a heritage listed Bathhouse located in Government Gardens, Rotorua. Originally opened in 1933, the art deco Blue Baths daringly offered mixed sex bathing for the first time in New Zealand

Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Welcome to Sophie, Matt and Jake

So wonderful to have you with us.

Our Little Maori

With the help of my eye-liner, Mya tried to do some Maori tattooing whilst my back was turned. This was just after escaping from her cot whilst still in her sleep sack, all before 7am. A great start to the day!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Rainbow Springs

Whilst waiting for the car to be serviced, we had the morning down at Rainbow Springs. Lots of fun in the playground and then Jenni & Imogen and Mya & I went down the Big Splash.

Mya took it all in her stride, not sure if she even took her thumb out whilst going down the big drop. Great morning with great friends.

Birthday Fun

Another year older and starting to loose count.

Had a lovely time with friends and family dog walking and coffee and cake at a local cafe.

In the evening John took me out for a lovely meal at the Regent Hotel, very yummy, all helped down with cocktail and wine!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


The best thing about a rainy weekend is jumping in puddles!

And then phoning your friends ........Lilly Jack! To tell them all about it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Food Demonstration at Katikati

Mum, Mya and I went to Cousin Kay's for the Annual Food Demonstration by friend Joy. As usual, Mya was the centre of attention, which she loved.

We had a wonderful lunch and came home with some great recipes to try out.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Last Day for John and Marilyn

After a lovely walk with the dogs in the a Redwood Forest, we had a final coffee at Palmers Garden Centre.

John and Marilyn finished off their packing, a snack of lunch and then we had to say our farewells.


A lovely lunch out at Eat Streat today. Soaking up some Rotorua atmosphere.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

UK Visitors

It's lovely to have John and Marilyn Blake with us again. It's been 3 years since they were last here.

After a relaxing afternoon we took a stroll around Hamurana Spring before enjoying a tasty BBQ out on the patio.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Daddy Love

Nothing better at the end of a busy day than snuggling with your Daddy on the sofa.......oh yes.....and Peppa Pig!

Tea Party with Titie!

Poor Titan seems to be Mya's new play mate. Not only does she try to ride him like a pony but he has to have tea parties with her.

Mya was exhausted after play group today. She was completely crashed out on the sofa, even Peppa Pig struggled to wake her!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Children's Day

It was Children's Day today and there was a fantastic forest festival held in the Redwood Forest.

Loads for the kids to do. Mya's favourites were drawing (with her new best friend Immogen), story telling, drum banging and music making.

Sledging on the Kaituna River

Mya and John kitted up for a sledging trip down the Kaituna River, until we realised that the age limit was 13 years rather than 13 months so Mya had to stay with me.

John had a fantastic time getting wet and being washed down the river!