Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy 40th Birthday Andrew

Today we headed down to Jill's house on Hayling to help celebrate my cousin Andrew's 40th birthday. It was so lovely to see all the cousins together, a great chance to catch up.

Mya was worn out with all the socialising and slept all the way home!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Seeing Katherine, Denzil and Family

We've just been up to Old Thorns' Starbucks in Liphook to catch up with Katherine, Denzil, and Katherine's Mum and Sister.

It was so lovely to see them all. I've done my best to sell the benefits of New Zealand in the hope that their next holiday will be to come and visit us!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lunch Out

On a recommendation, we had lunch today at The Deck in Emsworth. We had a yummy seafood lunch with views overlooking the deck houses and the sea.

Even the dogs were catered for with their own Poop Deck area, love it!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lunch at Emsworth

Granny Rose, Mya and I went to lunch at Brenda and Jim's today.
So wonderful to see them, they both look so well. Whilst we had a lovely lunch, Mya enjoyed playing on one if Brenda's beautiful homemade quilt and cushions.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Evening Cuddles

Mya loves to have Granddad time before bottle and bed.

Catching up with Lawrence

We saw Lawrence today at his home in Southampton.

We had a quick chat with Nuala (his wife) before she headed off. Their gorgeous boys Xavier and Finnian are delightful. Xavier, in particular, loved cuddling and kissing Mya, so sweet.

It was lovely to have a chance to catch up with Lawrence. They think they may come out and visit us in the next couple of years next year.

When we got back in the afternoon, Mya and I popped down to Len's house to say hi and take a look at some of his photos of dearest Patricia.

Hair styling!

This morning I caught Granny Rose doing her hair. I know it's a bit mean but couldn't resist catching it on camera. I thought I'd found myself in the re-make of Star Wars!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cowdray Park

Sarah, Mya and I went to the Farm Shop and Cafe at Cowdray Park today.

The shop was filled with beautiful fresh produce and gifts. In the cafe we had yummy homemade bread and soup, to help us warm up from the freezing weather and snow outside!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dearest Judy

Mya and I headed back to Chichester this morning to meet up with cousin Judy.

Although it was very chilly, the rain stayed away and we had a lovely morning shopping. Judy introduced me to the Cath Kidston shop, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven filled with rose print bags!

We then had a yummy lunch in Zizi's before making our way home, just as it started to rain.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shopping in ToysRUs

Mya chose some toys from ToysRUs today then Granny Rose gave her lunch at The Barn on North Hayling.

In the afternoon, Cherry and Joanna from next door popped in to give Mya a gorgeous outfit. Jo had a final cuddle before heading off on a 3 week adventure trekking in Nepal.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Lovely Lunch at Stansted

We had a wonderful lunch today with Ross and Zena at Stansted Tea Rooms. It means so much to be able to spend time with them both, just wish it didn't fly by so fast.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunny day in Chichester with Roses

It felt like spring today as the sun shone down on us when we met up with Roses in Chichester.

We had a good look round the shops and then a yummy lunch in Carluccio's Italian restaurant in East Street.

It was very special to be able to see Roses again so soon after her visit to us in New Zealand.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've had so many cards, flowers and gifts, feel truly special. Lovely to share my day with Granny Rose and Dad. Mya enjoyed helping me with unwrapping my presents!

In the afternoon I went over to Louise and Steve's house where daughter Lily had a family party for her birthday on Monday. It was fantastic to see the whole of the Smith family and be part of the celebrations. Louise had even baked me a birthday cake.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A day with Amanda, Steve and the Adorable Emily

We've had another fabulous day at Knowledge Village with Amanda, Steve and Emily.

I couldn't believe how much Emily has grown, such a young lady.

After a yummy lunch we took a country walk down to Wickham for tea and cake and a bit of shopping in a beautiful baby shop.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Day with Jan Chalmers

We've had a lovely day with Jan, mother's very dear friend at East Dean, West Sussex.

It was so wonderful to spend some time with her at her and Rob's beautiful cottage in the country. Whilst Mya enjoyed playing on the quilted rug next to the Arga, I was spoilt with a very tasty lunch.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Relaxing with Great Granny Rose and Tescos Shopping

We've had a quieter day today, mainly because Mya seems to be teething and has been a bit grizzly.
She enjoyed relaxing with great granny Rose in the lounge, playing with her toys.

Mya also had her first experience of supermarket shopping when we popped into Tescos to get some supplies.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just like old times

Today we caught up with Zena and Ross. It was so wonderful to spend time with them, it felt just like I hadn't been away.

Thank you Ross for taking some fabulous photos and being chief entertainer for Mya.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Visit to Hayling

This morning we went to pick up Granny Rose and go to lunch with my godmother Jill.

Before heading along the road we had a cup of tea at Granny's. Although it was only 1 degree outside, the sun was streaming thru the patio doors and it felt really cosy.

We had a wonderful lunch with Jill and she was great with Mya. She had lots of toys for her to play with and it was so lovely to have some time catching up.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Glad to be home with Granddad

It's lovely to be back in Petersfield and Mya had big smiles for her Granddad.

Location:Farnham Road,,United Kingdom

Travelling back down South

The temperatures since we've been in Lincoln haven't reached much above 4 degrees since we've been here. A bit of a shock to our systems. But today, as well as the cold, we've woken up to snow on the ground and falling from the sky. It won't deter us from heading back down South, just putting lots of layers of clothing on!

Well we made it home to Petersfield and have to say it's not the -3 degrees weather or blizzard conditions driving home that I've missed, it was sitting in a traffic jam on the A1 for an hour and a half. Really makes you appreciate the quiet of New Zealand roads.

Happy Mother's Day

I celebrated my first Mother's Day with Mya surrounded by family up in Lincoln. We spent the day at Annette's house ( John Sister). Sister Tina, Sylvia and Michael, and Annette's daughter Rachel, husband Loui and their gorgeous baby son Oliver also came round. It was a very special day.

My wonderful daughter, assisted by my gorgeous husband bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, it's great being a mum!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Meeting Grandma and Granddad Backhouse

After a smooth but very wet and foggy journey up to Lincoln, Mya and I spent today with Sylvia and Michael (John's mum and dad).

It was a chance for Mya to meet her Grand Parents from the Backhouse side of the family.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Seeing Sarah

After a meeting with the Accountant today, this afternoon we managed to have a quick catch-up with Sarah. So wonderful to see her, her new home and gorgeous Jasmine and Finlay. Can't wait to get more time with them in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Shopping then more visits

This morning Granny Rose and I bundled Mya up and we headed into Petersfield for some shopping, ending up in Tescos to stock up on food.

This afternoon Dad and I went over to Chalton to catch up with Liz Budden, Andrea and her daughter Issy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Day with Louise

Today we met up with Louise. We must have bought the good weather over from New Zealand as it was a beautiful spring day of 15 degrees.
After a quick cuppa we walked into Liss Centre for a quick shop and then headed out to Old Thorns golf club at Liphook for some lunch.

In the afternoon we walked to the primary school to pick up Louise's youngest Mia. Such a cutie. It's amazing to think that Mia wasn't even around when I left the UK.