Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thursday in Dubai

After walking Tiegan and Jade to school

Then joining in their 'wake up and shake up' dance session, which Mya loved

We headed home to have a swim in the pool. It was the first time that Mya had swam in cooler water, rather than hot pools and she loved it, a real water babe!

Relax with The Blakes

Luella met us at the airport. Dubai was covered in fog so not much to see on the journey to the house.

Once we arrived the sun appeared and we spent the rest of the day relaxing and trying to get our body clocks adjusted. Lue and Chris have a gorgeous home, so lovely to relax and catch up prior to our next leg of the journey on Saturday.

Well we've made it to Dubai and survived the flight. Poor Mya got completely overtired and eventually crashed on the second leg from Melbourne to Dubai, managing to sleep for about 7 hours of the 14 hour flight, even tho she only just fits in the basinet.

She was a complete hit with all the cabin crew, loved being passed around for cuddles and dressing up in the crews hats for photos. Gave me a chance to have some food.
Only downer was arriving in Dubai to find they had mislaid the stroller, not helpful! Hoping it's going to be delivered later today.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Farewell High Tea

Today we had a get together at the Distinction Hotel.  It was a farewell Tea for myself and Mya and also Friend Kay, all of us will be travelling over to the UK in the next week.

It's so great to have as many little ones as well as us adults. 

Mya and Holly shared a moment together, I think they were discussing what they were having for lunch.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cooling Off

 We have been blessed with an outstanding summer this year. 

This afternoon Mya spent time cooling off in her paddling pool and then ended up in a fit of giggles when Mummy was tickling her.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Look who can now sit up alone!

After all the abb crunches and practice, Mya can now sit up alone.  She's still a little wobbly but is loving life all the more now she can sit up.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Jean and Welcome Judy

Today, after dog walking, we all gathered at Palmers Garden Centre for coffee and cake to celebrate friend Jean's birthday.
As a double celebration, cousin Judy also joined us today after a couple of weeks visiting her sons in the South Island.  She's spending the week with us before heading back to the UK at the weekend.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Has anyone seen my snuggle toy?

And some other photos of the gorgeous Mya.....