Monday, October 29, 2012

Spring is Here

Mya's got her hat on, hip hip hip huray, Mya's got her hat on and she's coming out to play!

The sun is shining and it's a beautiful warm day, spring is definitely here.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fence Moving

Over the weekend John decided to increase the size of one of our paddocks and to reduce the amount of gardening we have to do by moving one of our fences along the edge of our drive, giving the sheep more grazing.  He even managed to chicken wire all the way along it to keep the dogs out.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Car

John's got a new car.  It's a Korondo SsangYong, diesel 4x4. 

Laying the Water Pipe

Poor John, this weekend he had to lay a water pipe from Mum's bach to the greenhouse and the connection under the bach kept leaking.  He had to crawl on his belly under the cottage 7 times before he managed to get it sorted.  Not the best time spent in the garden!

Friday, October 19, 2012

All Smiles

Mya was a happy little lady today, she couldn't stop giggling and laughing.  The first chance to catch her smiles on camera, gorgeous!

Boys Relaxing at the Beach

It's been a busy day for the boys! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Mya had her health check today.  She's put on another 9ozs in the last week and now weighs 10lbs 2ozs.  She's also 59cm long, in the top 5% of length, I wonder if this means she's going to be tall.