Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Babe at 37 Weeks

I've just had another scan, just to check how baby is growing and doing well.  She was a little more co-operative whilst taking the photo so you can just about see her face, bless her. 

Another scan in a couple more weeks.......if she stays inside that long, officially I am now full term and it could happen any day!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Farewell to Chris, Lue & the Girls

I can't believe that 3 1/2 weeks has already passed and Chris, Lue and the girls are heading back to Dubai, via 4 days in Sydney.  It's been fantastic having them with us and hope they've had fun.  Chris managed to get some fishing in (andsome trout to show for it), they got to see some sights and have a week in Ohope at the beach house as well as Tiegan spending a week on horse camp. 


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy 5th Anniversary

Wishing my wonderful husband a very happy anniversary. You have made our first 5 years of marriage more amazing than I could have believed and can't wait to share the rest of our life together. I love you so much. Xxx p.s.Thank you for the stunning flowers.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Scan - 33 weeks and 6 days

I had my latest measurement scan yesterday and I'm pleased to report that our little one is growing well, she actually measured the size of a 35 week old so is a good size. 

She was however a little shy (again) and tried to avoid us having a photo taken.  As you can just about make out from the picture (in 3D), her little face poking out in the middle, surrounded by hands and feet at the top and the placenta at the bottom. 

Let's hope she's a little more photogenic when she finally makes it into the great wide world.

Installing Radiators

With the onslaught of the cold weather this winter we wanted to install some true English radiators into the bottom part of our home.  With the help of a local English plumber a 45 ltr tank and piping system has been installed into our laundry cupboard and then my clever husband welded up a wetback.  This is a device that is fixed into the back of our log fire in the lounge, that heats and circulates water into the tank an then through into the radiators, that we have in our hallway and the guest suite downstairs. 

It all works really well, helping to make the house feel more toastie on these frosty nights.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Baby Shower

Today my Mum has organised a wonderful baby shower party for myself and friend Jo (who is expecting 4 weeks earlier than me).  The house was filled with all our friends including kids and lots of food. 

Jo and I were very spoilt with lots of lovely presents.  The day was made all the more special having Luella, Tiegan and Jade with us as well. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Chris, Lue and the Girls have Arrived!

The Blake family arrived safely on Saturday evening and Sunday morning we had a lovely breakfast at our local Marama Estate, on the banks of Rotorua Lake. It's just so wonderful to have them with us again.  Looking forward to the next 3 weeks.