Saturday, June 30, 2012

Export Awards 2012

Friday evening John and I were invited to attend the Bay of Plenty Export Awards at Mount Maunganui.  It was a black tie affair with Te Radar as the MC (he's a local TV celebrity).  The theme of the evening was Cluedo so a number of people turned out in fancy dress, it was a struggle for me to even find a dress that fitted but John made an effort and looked fantastic in his kilt.

Doherty's where John works, won the award for Innovation for Export and were also finalists in the Exporter of the Year. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Addition to the Cottage

To help keep out the winter winds of Rotorua, Mum has recently had glazing installed around her covered deck of the cottage.  This has given her a wonderful 'conservatory' feel and extra floor space on two sides of the cottage and also helps to keep the warmth in the main living area.  It's real sun trap even when it's chilly outside. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weekend Away

For my birthday John bought me 2 gift packages.  One was for a Pregnancy Photoshoot and the other was a luxury night's accommodation at a beauitful B&B in Birkenhead, Auckland.  So last weekend we headed up to Auckland to redeem them both.

The photoshoot was in Ponsonby, Auckland and started with an hour of hair styling and makeup which was great, once I was all glammourous we then had an hour of photos taken in a number of different clothes.  The main photo I was wanting was of John and myself with baby bump. 

We headed back to the studio in the afternoon and chose 4 photos from the collection.  Unfortunately we have to wait up to 6 weeks to get them so it will be a while before I can post them on the blog.

We then found the beautiful Stafford Villa for our night's accommodation.  We were greeted with a wonderful high-tea on our veranda overlooking the garden and a bucket of  'non-alcoholic' bubbles. 

In the evening we had an amazing meal at a local restaurant (Eight Point Two) which was also part of the package.  I felt completely spoilt by the end of the weekend.

New Woodshed

To ensure that we we've got enough wood stored and drying for the winter, John has built a second woodshed at the back of the dog pen.


Dog Pen with a View

The dog pen now has a view of the Lake.  We've replaced the solid old fence and gate with a very stylish picket fence so the doggies can now also enjoy the view.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

30 weeks and 1 day, the countdown is on.....

I thought that I ought to post a couple of photos of my ever increasing baby bump. Can't believe that we're now at the 30 week point. Both myself and baby are fit and well and looking forward to being officially introduced! Just had glucose tests and measurement scan and both are excellent, although our little one is appearing to be a little shy and didn't want her photo taken, either putting her hand or foot in front of her face when the radiologist tried to capture an image.