Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ready for Summer!

We've just had our garden chairs back from the powder-coaters and they look fab. I think they look just stunning with my new oil cloth for the table. Can you believe that it was John's idea to paint them that colour!

Sewerage System

The whole of the Hamurana District, where we live, is having a new sewerage scheme installed to reduce run-off into the lakes from the septic tanks. Today was our turn to have the pump units dug into place at both Mum's cottage and next to our house.

Now we have to wait for the pipes to be laid both along the road and also up our drive. Should be all up and working by the middle of next year.

Sheep Pen

We decided that it would be a lot easier if we had the sheep pen up at the top of the land rather than in the bottom paddock. This would allow us to drive a car further into the bottom paddock when we're collecting chopped wood etc. So John's job for Sunday was to dismantle the pen, re-design and build it at the top paddock.

As you can see from the photos, he's done a wonderful job and I know we're going to be able to make a lot more use out of it, for docking moving and sheering the sheep.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Birthday John!

For John's birthday I arranged for him to go black water rafting in the Waitomo Caves, about 2 hours drive from home.

We had a lovely early morning drive through the stunning New Zealand countryside over to Waitomo where John got kitted up and headed off deep underground.

Not only were there amazing formations within the cave and millions of glow-worms, but there was also some fun shooting down the water slide and squeezing through the rocks in a rubber tube.

After a quick relax at home, we're heading off out to dinner tonight to continue the celebrations.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Putting the Sheep to work

Rather than having to get out the strimmer and mower, we decided to put the sheep to work and graze down some of the ground. We fenced off the section of Mum's drive way up to the top paddock to allow them to graze the drive and banks on either side.

After 3 years we have also found a use for Millie. Whilst John and I were trying to work out if the electric fence was working, we heard a squeak behind us as Millie leapt into the air after making contact with it, question answered!

Friday, November 11, 2011

'Gone Fish'n' for the day

With the beautiful sunny day, John and I headed to Tauranga to go out fishing for the day with SeaTrek.
We motored out past Mt Maunganui for about 2 hours before dropping anchor and fishing at a depth of 84 meters.

We had a great day's fishing catching, Perch, Taraki and Snapper to bring home in the chilli bin filled with ice.

The highlight for me was hooking a shark which I managed to bring to the surface but unfortunately broke free just as we tried to bring aboard. The guy next to us also managed to get one but he was able to get his landed with the help of 4 other people!

John expertly filleted our catch when we got home and we'll be enjoying fish suppers over the coming weeks.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yay.....New Gates!

After alot of work and preparation, we finally have new solar powered gates at the bottom of the drive.

There was alot of digging up the drive, running cables and setting up but they are now working well, at the push of a button and with a very posh intercom system linking them with the house it will give us the added security to our home and stop the dogs from running on to the road.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Benefits of Your Own Chickens

The country life with your own chickens can't get much better when you start your day with 2 double yokers!

Now you see you don't!

In our continuous effort to keep our trees in control and to make more light around the property, John has again been out with the chainsaw attacking the silver birch tree at the bottom of our drive.

At least half of it is still standing!