Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Arrivals

Just when I thought our Ewe was never going to give birth, last night in the pouring rain, she decided it was time.

We now have 2 very cute additions to our livestock.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Going, going, gone!

The tree at the top of our drive grew a third bigger over the last year and throwing out saplings around the grounds, so today John took it down, with the help of his new ladder.

Fish for Supper

Yesterday John went diving and fishing with a work colleague on a boat off the Whakatane coast. This morning he's been filleting a whole range of fish(Taraki, Butter Fish and Blue Cod) and with a big bag of Muscles, we'll be eating well tonight.

Titan is forever hopeful of getting the scraps. 10 out of 10 for effort.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A new member of the family

Mum and I took a very innocent shopping trip up to Tauranga today and decided to pop into the pet shop for a quick look. 30 minutes later we are leaving with a car load of dog accessories and a beauitful black spoodle, who has now been named Oli (short for Oliver).

I knew it wouldn't take her long to find a fury companion!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This year we wont settle for just an odd strawberry now and then, instead we have gone the whole-hog and planted up a full veggie bed full of plants. Here's hoping for a bumper crop.

Fiji - underwater

We've now got our photos developed from the underwater camera. Great fun snorkeling and you can just about make out the fish!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lomani Resort, Fiji - Pure Heaven!

John and I have just returned from a week of complete relaxation at the amazing Lomani Resort, on Malolo Lailai Island in Fiji.

The resort was everything you could have wished for, white sand, blue sea full of amazing fish and hammocks to snooze in under the palm trees.

All the activities were free so we made the most of the snorkeling and kayaking. There was a massive coral reef just off the shore with so many beautiful, different coloured fish to see and feed.

We also had the chance to go diving, taking a boat out to a wonderful dive spot, going down to 14m and swimming around for 40 minutes surrounded by breathtaking sea life.

We also hired bikes to cycle around the Island and played golf on a course overlooking the sea.

With the choice of eating at our resort or walking along the beach to the sister resort for dinner, we ate far too much and have come home feeling completely repleat and refreshed.