Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weekend Escape

With the promise of fine weather and apparently one of the best times to sea fish, we headed down to Ohope for the weekend. We spent Saturday on the beach fishing with the surf casting rods.

It was great excitement, especially from Titan (as he thought it was his dinner), when John caught a fish.

With the weather on Sunday being completely glorious, a stunning walk on the beach in the morning which the dogs loved and I even had chance to relax out on the deck in the sun and catch a few rays, we've had a lovely rested weekend.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Death to the Ink Weed!

This weekend we declared war on the Ink weed that had taken over part of the upper paddock. After a couple of months of spraying to get some control on it, we spent this weekend ripping it all out and trying to clear the ground.

The first picture is following the first day of clearing and the second photo shows the end of Sunday.

With the bonfire continually going to burn the weed, by the end of the weekend the whole area is looking so much better, although John and I do feel a tad broken and in need of a hot bath.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Anniversary Treat

As a belated anniversary celebration we headed down to Hamurana Lodge for a night of fine dining and 5* accommodation.

Because it was the start of their season, we had the Lodge to ourselves and amazing service.

Although it was only for 1 night, we feel like we've been away for the whole weekend, being completely spoilt, wonderful.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Let the Devastation Continue.......

After 4 hours in the garden today, John and I have cleared another area of ground. Still some more burning and chopping down to do but it's getting there. The plan eventually is for this area to become more paddock for the sheep and less garden for us to maintain.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy 4th Anniversary

To my Wonderful Husband,

Thank you for the most amazing 4 years of marriage, my best friend and soul mate.

I love my bouquet of flowers, completely spoilt. Looking forward to this weekend when we can really celebrate.

Your loving Wife, Kate xxxxx

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

More Ground Clearing!

I left John for half an hour on Saturday afternoon, foolishly with his chainsaw in hand, only to come back to half of the tree at the front laying on the ground. Another bit of light pruning!

So Sunday we set to work tidying up, burning and clearing more of the front area. Our view of the lake is getting better and better.

I continued today (Monday) working around the back by the laundry area and it's now looking very clear and ready to plant some nice shrubs rather than all the weeds that were there before.

Dare I say it, the garden really feels like it's getting under control.