Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earning Your Keep

Whilst we were up checking the chickens today, Titan appeared with a big fat rat in his mouth. A few swift bites and it was all over. What a clever puppy, he deserves a big dinner tonight!

It's Raining Giant Walnuts!

After such a wet winter last year, we seem to have the most amazing harvest of giant walnuts, raining down on us with every breath of wind. They're dropping all around us whilst we try to collect them up. Now we're trying to dry them out, no mean feat with possums and mice taking a real liking to them.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend with Mum at Ohope

I can't believe that Mum is flying back to the UK on Wednesday. We needed a bit of quality Mum and Daughter time before she goes, so we spent the weekend at Ohope.

The weather again was outstanding and we started Saturday with a full cooked breakie prepared on the BBQ on the deck, Yum!

We then hunted down a beautiful garden centre just outside Whakatane with a lovely coffee and gift shop.

Cousins Kay and Richard joined us at the house for lunch and a relaxed walk on the beach before I headed back to the country residence!

Birthday Celebrations

I've had a wonderful birthday and feel completely spoilt. It was so great to have so many cards from friends and family, making me feel very loved.

After a fantastic morning and lunch with my special friend Jo and her daughter Abbie, I then went with Mum to the Polynesian Pools for a soak in the mineral baths followed by a relaxing massage.

John took Mum and I out for dinner in the evening to the new Richard's 'fine-dining' restaurant in town that was amazing. Have to rate it as one of the best meals I've ever had....delicious!

A truly outstanding birthday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Relax at Ohope

This weekend, John and I had our first chance to relax and enjoy the new beach house at Ohope. We packed everything up, including the dogs and headed out to the East Coast.

After having a lovely dinner of local fish & chips our neighbour came round and told us about the 8.9 earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and that there was a warning put out for coastal areas of New Zealand. We decided it wasn't worth the risk as reports were very sketchy at that stage and headed back to Rotorua in the middle of the night.

By morning they had down-graded any warnings so returned to the beach house to enjoy the rest of our weekend.

We had a wonderful time, the weather was outstanding, sunbathed, walked on the beach with the dogs, visited the local summer festival in Whakatane, read lots and generally chilled out.

On Sunday morning we got up just after sunrise and took the fishing rod down to the harbour entrance to do a spot of fishing. No fish caught this time, it must have been too early for them!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Broody Bantam

Finally after 21 days of sitting, our beautiful silkie bantam hatched out 4 very cute chickies. Easter has come early in the Backhouse family!