Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Job.......Yay!

I'm very proud of my wonderful husband who is starting his new job on Monday. He's going to be Company Manager for an Engineering company in Rotorua.

We both went down on Friday for a 'meet and greet' BBQ with all the staff and board members and collected his wonderful new company car. A brand new Toyota Highlander, all very posh.

John's really excited and looking forward to getting started and we're hoping it's going to offer him all the challenges he's looking for.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

Beloved Family and Friends, just to let you all know that John and I are safe and luckily Rotorua is far enough away from Christchurch to not be affected by this horrific disaster.

We want to send all our love and support to the people of Christchurch in this time of need. Please keep safe and the rest of New Zealand are here to help in which ever way we can. x

Hard work in the Garden

I've been busy today moving 2 trailer loads of wood chip to put around the garden. Really pleased with how it now looks, so much tidier and hope it will stop some of the weeds!


We've just had 3 wonderful days with John and Marilyn Blake staying. They are away from the UK for 9 weeks, visiting Dubai, Australia, and New Zealand. As well as enjoying a Maori Cultural evening, we also showed them some of the sights of Rotorua including a trip up the gondola, a soak in the Polynesian Pools and dinner out in town. They're now heading south to pick up a camper van to tour the South Island before heading home.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Weekend

In between a bit of garden and house tidying, I managed to grab some relax time on the hammock with the doggies. No we haven't got a new dog, I was dog-sitting Pebbles, who belongs to my niece Sonya.

Friday, February 11, 2011

New Chickens

We had some new arrivals yesterday. They are a couple of beautiful hens, hopefully our egg supply will increase to more than 1 a day! We also got a very cute fluffy bantom. She is currently broody so is sat on a handful of eggs, hoping to have some little chicks in 3 weeks time.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New House at the Beach

This weekend Mum completed on a wonderful beach house at Ohope on the East Coast. So it was all systems go with her container of furniture to be delivered and over 130boxes to be unpacked and sorted.

We were spoilt with the most amazing weather of about 30 degrees each day. I started the mornings at 6 (with the sunrise) walking with the dogs along the beach, sheer bliss!

After a very busy weekend, the house is now looking amazing and we're all looking forward to spending holidays down there enjoying beach life, perfect.