Friday, September 24, 2010

Cheeky Animals

We have some very cheeky animals at the moment. One of our chickens has taken to walking down to the house in the mornings and glaring at us through the patio doors trying to get us out to give her some breakfast.

Millie had fun today, she decided to play hide and seek with Titan. Titan was too smart and found her straight away!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Additions to the Family!

Our very clever ewe, that we've now had for 2 years, gave birth to 2 healthy lambs last night, despite the wind, rain and cold. One was a little smaller and shivering this morning so I had to put a felt rug on it. They're very cute and have been out exploring the paddock today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Short visit to the Ski Field

John and I managed to escape for a couple of days skiing. Unfortunately the weather wasn't kind to us and we only managed a half day before it was too wet and really poor visibility so we called it a day and headed home early.

We stopped in Taupo on the way back for some lunch and to hit a bucket of golf balls into Lake Taupo.

Not quite the holiday planned but at least we had a couple of days away.