Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts over the last couple of months, no excuse!

Since having the leak we have found out that the house was riddled with dux quest piping, which was used in NZ in the 1980's and then banned for it's outstanding characteristic to spontaneously leak and burst, great. So the other weekend, John was able to add another skill to his list, by completely re-plumbing the house with new piping.

We then had a week of the plasterer putting right all the holes in the walls and ceilings.

My job for this week was to repaint it all. I'm glad to say that the house is now nearly back to normal, just a bit of tiling to do and the upstairs bathroom to renovate; we saw the leak as a good excuse to start replacing the old shower room and putting a bath upstairs. Poor John, will his jobs never end?