Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jousting Tournament

Today was a day filled with merriment and competition of gladiators, knights and viking warriors at the Taupo Annual Jousting Tournament. You really felt the part surrounded by medieval tents and markets and people dressed up in period costume. They had every competition from sword fighting, jousting, archery, battle reinactment, jesters and people in the stocks to throw soaked sponges at. My favourite was the horse jousting with lances (tipped with balsawood, so they didn't do too much damage). The whole day was great fun.


To allow Mum to have a phone line in the bach we had to dig a trench the full length of our drive 450mm deep for laying the cable underground, no mean feat. The cable has now been put in and connected so the phone and broadband is now all up and running, hurray!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hot Pools - Lake Rotoiti

It was a gorgeous evening last night so we decided to take the boat out and find the hot pools on the waters edge of Lake Rotoiti.

We found ourselves soaking in the lovely hot water looking out over the lake and the amazing view behind, complete bliss..... it's a hard life! x

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boating on Lake Rotoiti

It was another gorgeous day and we persuaded mum to come out boating with us. We had a lovely motor around, nosing at all the lake front properties around the lake and trolling for fish. A lovely morning out on the water.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beaching Around

It was a day off from the garden, as the sun was still shining, after a delicious breakfast in town at Capers, we headed down to Nudics beach for a bit of R&R.

We even braved the chilly waters to do a bit of boogie boarding in the waves.

Home-grown Produce

I was very proud today as I pulled up and tied up my garlic and onions from the garden. The veggie patch is feeding us well this season.