Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Painting

It's always dangerous when I have a pot of paint and brush in my hand. Today, as well as clearing the garden I decided to paint the bird house. Looks like new now!

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone we know and love a very happy New Year and may 2010 bring you all that you desire in life.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Morning Tea

To celebrate the New Year, our dog walking group, minus a couple of people, met up for morning tea and yummy food.

Wishing everyone all that they desire in 2010.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Outdoor Painting

The job for today was to clear the entrance at the bottom of the drive and paint the very sad looking fence a bright, light, white. Another thing ticked off the list.

And John came home from work to find a large bough broken from the main tree in our garden so he needed to get the chainsaw and chipper out to do some clearing up.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Garden Development

As John had 4 days off over Christmas, we decided to spend one of the days in the garden. John rebuilt the steps going up to our Veggie patch and I cleared and chipped half the bank at the top leading to the steps. Good work done & another area of the garden that now looks neat and tidy.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Boxing day and in true New Zealand style we headed on down to the Rodeo packed with a full picnic basket full of yesterdays leftovers, yum. Friend Jo joined us to help make a dent in the food!

It was another glorious day and great fun watching the cowboys do their stuff. The highlight was a big bugger of a bull jumping the fence and running thru all us spectators before it was wrestled to the ground by about 20 cowboys in their stetsons. Ride 'em cowboys!

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. It was a lovely sunny day spent with Mum, Pete & Adele and Jim. We had the not-so-traditional BBQ'd lamb and meringue Snowmen filled with chocolate mousse for dessert, plus loads more between. Just starting to adjust to Christmas in the heat!

Sending you all loads of love over this festive season. x

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve

We started early for Christmas with a festive drink with friend Lindsay this Christmas Eve. The sun was shining and it was lovely to be able to sit out on the patio. We were all grateful not to be in the cold and wet of the UK! x

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A lick of paint

To match mum's very tired looking garage with her bach she decided to paint the door blue. It's given it a whole new lease of life.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Progress with the Fence

After a morning of fishing on the boat, we caught 2!, my darling husband set to work putting up the fence next to mum's bach. Back breaking work digging and cementing the holes but 4 panels are up and it's looking good.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dogs - Ready for Action!

After a long wait, finally Titan and Millie have their life jackets to wear on the boat, and don't they look smart. Will have to give them a try out on the water to see how they swim in them.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Some Landscaping

This weekend the weather finally brightened up so it was time that the old scrappy hedge, next to mother's bach, was removed, with the help of friend Alec. He made easy work of it with his digger and truck. It's now ready for John to put up the fence, with the panels that he's been building over the last couple of weekends.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas has arrived!

It has been such god damn awful weather this week, that instead of getting soaked going to town, what better way to spend the day than putting up the Christmas tree. It's now all sparkling and feeling festive in the house. Guess I ought to do the present shopping now!