Monday, September 21, 2009

Beaching Again

It was a lovely sunny day again on Sunday so we all (Kate, John, dogs and Pete & Adele) all headed off to Nudics beach for a relax, play some frisbee and walk the dogs. We were also joined by a very cute seal who decided to head back to the water when I got too close, oops! x Managed to get a photo though!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beach Bumming

The sun was shining so friend Lindsay and I headed down to a local beach to exercise the dogs. It was just heaven and the water almost felt warm enough for a swim. Roll on Summer days!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A true Kiwi!

To break Pete in gently to the New Zealand way of life, John gave him some chainsaw and log splitting lessons over the weekend. You can tell by the photo that he mastered the art of wielding an axe pretty quickly.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Arrived at last!

Pete and Adele arrived safe and sound yesterday to sunny weather and the prospect of a new life in New Zealand, very exciting, we know exactly how they're feeling! It's wonderful to have them here at last, another couple to escape the ever declining UK!