Monday, August 24, 2009


We've just had a fabulous week in Queenstown with Chris, Lue and the girls. The weather was perfect, sun every day, and we had a great balance of days between skiing and sight seeing. It was an outstanding holiday.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bach update

For all of you wondering how the building of the bach is going, I'm pleased to say that we have finally got a pass from the Council that the timber inside is try enough to plasterboard. It's taken a total of 8 weeks with heaters going at full blast to pass.

Today after putting on all the wood trims they have sprayed the timber to protect it and bring out the natural colour of the wood. We're hoping that by the end of this week it will be completely painted inside, then just electrical, plumbing and finishing off.....Hurray!

Feeding Time

This morning we've spent our time at Aunty Rosemary's house and to the girls' great joy, she has a pet orphan lamb that needed feeding. How cute!

Horse Riding

While Chris looked after the girls, Luella and I managed to make the most of the glorious weather and went riding at friend Jo's, across the 1,000+ acres of sheep farm backing on to Mount Tarawera. It was lovely for us girls to have some time together reminiscing on our days when we use to ride all the time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I safely collected Chris, Luella and the girls from the airport yesterday and we had a wonderful drive back in the sun to the house.

They've all slept well and we're now ready for a day of exploring and walking the dogs.

Spring has officially sprung!

Not only have I got my first daffodil out in the garden but when I went to feed the animals this morning one of my ewes had given birth to some gorgeous twin lambs, aaaarrrrr! With the sun out and the promise of it being as much as 17 degrees today, we can officially say that spring is here!